Some stuff i found on my hard drive.
COUGH the best outfit webpage EVAR
may i direct your attention to the propaganda pages, etc? i uploaded everuthing so the posters, wallpapers, should all be there, etc.
i never posted this i dont think. just a random design i was working on.
Avatars for the old old old forums.
ranks, infantry, armor, air. obviously i only got so far, or i lost some.
OPERATION HINDEDBURG. my greatest ever tE idea
random bits:
Darkestgray after he gkicked all of tE. i also have the screenie of the ony 30 or so people left inguild, th emorning after, trying to figure out who did it lol
somewhere i had this crazy tE comic, like 3 or 4 pages only. fuck i wonder where that got to