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Postby Valkyrie » Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:10 pm

Hey I just got all these psychoanalysis reports back, they go back 6 years

So Apparently I was a borderline Sociopath with aspergers syndrome, interesting!

And apparently 3 years later I was upgraded to Psychopath with aspergers syndrome, and apparently thats what I still am currently to the reports

Apparently the only reason why I havent killed people apparently is because I dont want to break the law, I tend to hate myself more then I hate people, and I apparently because I built up emotions for the last 6 years, and actually feel for others.

I love doctors I dont know why Im sharing this but I just think its kinda funny that I apparently was on the path of becoming a seriel killer
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Postby Anger » Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:18 pm

If I was to be killed by a serial killer, I would prefer it to be you. :D

Seriously though, it's good that you are now aware of such things, and hopefully it's the first step on the road of happiness. Knowing what a problem is is halfway to solving it.
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Postby rhonnin » Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:21 pm

I would rather be serial killed by Audrey than Rick Rolled by the Macy's parade. :wink:
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Postby Valkyrie » Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:34 pm

Ya apparently had alot to do with the way I was brought up, going through it further they say that basically growing up as a jehovah's witness for 16 made me a sociopath but something odd in this equation, I apparently grew up with a high convictions of morals and ethics which sociopaths tend to lack, the only reason why sociopath's tend to not do violent acts is because they do not wish to break the law for self preservation reasons.

This also brings me to this, when I was 16 I didnt feel, I was completely introverted, and would never talk to anyone, funny thing is I kinda remember starting to get emotions once I started to play games online, because there I had to learn how to interact with people. But the problem is the way I interact with people now I is I tend to think of conversations with people is suppost to play out like some damn movie or something.

And Aspergers syndrome is a disorder that basically is is a distorted sense of reality, and a disorder of communication difficulty. Funny thing is my most recent psychologists say that its very hard for them to believe that I have aspergers syndrome because I communicate well, but I always knew that I cannot read people's facial emotions or their emotions in general, im only aware of mine and the small senses of emotions from others. So apparently to psychologists people think I generally come of as confused, skid dish, aloof, and in a self hysteria where I refuse to show people emotional instability.

And to go on that Im defined as insane but im stable because I would rather focus hatred and loating in a introverted sense, and focus on being empathitic and caring in extroverted sense. So apparently im one of the most stable and caring violent person he has ever met

What the hell is wrong with me lol
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