Hi fellas how is everyone? Road or an Admin please could you reset my redwarrior password and send it to my comcast email please. I have been incredibly busy these day's with the little one now 7 months old and work , work , and more Fucking work. It beat's not having a job or career but I'm really tired and being pushed everyday more an more. On a Positive note I might get to hire 2 more people after having lost 3 in the last few years underneath me. One Server and one Network person so that could be wonderful or a nightmare for me only time will tell. Planetside Next ohhhhh meeeeee....... I need some game time badly..... I have not gamed in over a year at least... tooo much work and no play makes the redwarrrior red in the face even more LOL. Sony please for the Love of Pete get PS Next together soon I need a break from the Insanity and no other game has really interested me as much as PS but the first online Unreal Tournament. I played that game so much on an old CRT monitor I went legally blind after a few years and I had to have lasik twice in the last six years to keep from wearing glasses. I want ot post a pic of the little rewarrior Andalynn Lee Dawn Yerger . This little girl is not going to spend time on fucking myspace or FaceFuckbook whatever, she is going to be gaming, building machines and kicking the shit out of little boys/men that even look at her the wrong way and she will be studying, studying and working her way out of Highschool by 14 or at least that is my goal for her. HomeSchool the shit out her and get he ahead of the pack and get her out of the Mess that our School Systems have become then into a Local College quickly as possible. Make her reach for the stars and keep reaching, keep pushing , keep doing. America has been watered down with a bunch of pansy, pussy I came in 2nd or last so give me my fucking trophy so I can go home and eat 50 fucking twinkies and sit on fucking facebook and masterbate myself cause I'm so great cause I came in last. Pathetic... no fucking way for my kid, no way in hell. I really hope there other parents who feel the same as me but out here in TacoFornia I don't know. Anyhow I still can hear all of your voices in my head (photgraphic memory for certain things) and hope to be able to play PS next with all of you.