Empire Discussion

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Empire Discussion

Postby Outbound » Sat May 07, 2005 7:12 am

TR is gimped in every way, except 3 areas so far as I see it:
1) Repeater is great because of range
2) Prowler main gun is great against infantry because of rate of fire and splash
3) The burster is great if we'd use it more, like our outfit :twisted:

I think of it this way: each empire has its strengths. The NC's strengths come in doing a hell of a lot of damage if they hit you. This also causes the other strength of ammo conservation. Also, their AV is essentially a deci with a better secondary mode. It does practically the same damage. In turn, they supposedly have horrible range. However, this only applies to the JH, and really, it can still belt out the damage at any range found in, say, a tower battle. Plus it can instakill if you get the jump on them. Not a bad tradeoff, esp. if you carry a gauss for those hallways. As far as maxes go, they have THE best max in the scatmax, plus they can sit there with a guaranteed blocking of a deci shot so long as they wait to fire.

The VS's strength is in versatility. All of their maxes can kill infantry and maxes alike, can dodge almost all of a deci shot or reaver spam with jumpjets, and can also use that same jumping ability to get a superior attack position. The VS weaponry is made to be good against armor as well. I wouldnt go up against a max with a pulsar or anything, but a lasher can take one fairly regularly, and a couple of lashers completely suppresses anything but thumpers and maels (and scatmaxes.) I could do without the beamer, simply because its only anti armor use is against CE and it sucks against that. The Lancer is great, because you carry a LOT of ammo and are very powerful and accurate up until they find you. A couple of lancers are devastating, as are a couple of phoenixes. A couple of strikers make them go away to repair.
The VS vehicles are of course versatile as well. If you know you're going against troops, the aurora is AWESOME. Thresher is very convenient and in the hands of a really good crew can be great, but it's not the best in the world... not as good as the enforcer by any means. Magrider is simply awesome because you are almost guarenteed hits on enemy tanks at any range, and the railgun is GREAT AA. It may suck against troops relatively with main gun, but PPA + railgun (which IS safe when fighting only troops) is a very quick kill. Combine all this with the best AA and you have quite a deal. And what is the drawback? One would think that the drawback to being versatile would be to be a little weaker at everything, but VS do not have to worry about this. No real drawback except the frikking purple. :D

Now the TR. I would argue that anything that has ever been called our strengths have now become weaknesses. I'll start with maxes. The DC is a crappy combination of lockdown and anti infantry. Direct fire does NOT WORK for a lock down max. It needs splash like the old pounder to protect itself if it has to lock down. The pounder supposedly has great range. The expense is damage itself to hell if the enemy is close, and difficulty aiming at that large range. I like the burster.
As for infantry weapons, the Repeater lives up to TR having better range. Also, since like the gauss it does more damage per 9mm shot it conserves ammo which is great for cloakers. The cycler, however, is absolutely the worst weapon. At least the punisher is versatile in exchange for its weakness. The cycler uses MORE shots to kill people than other MAs, and takes MORE time to do it! This also has the consequence of it being awful up close. And now the MCG. The MCG, poor thing, supposedly has good range, but there is rarely an opportunity to take advantage of it that even the Cycler would be better at. For almost all indoor fighting the JH or Lasher will beat it in TTK hands down. Plus lasher's even doing damage/ruining CoF when missing! The MCG TTK on a rexo is 2.4 seconds, compared to 2.0 for the Lasher. The JH is just ridiculous, especially if you manage to kill a rexo with a triple. Simply put, the MCG needs SOMETHING to bring it up to HA par indoors. It SHOULD be better than the Versatile, Don't have to Hit to Do Damage Lasher in time to kill. I will mention the striker along with vehicles.
Vehicles are another area we get screwed. VS go anywhere, NC hit really hard, and TR take more people... huh? If we take 3 people to man a prowler, it should be 1.5 of any other tank. Or make it have a freakin FLAK CANNON on the top, if the top gun is supposedly AA. I love the prowler, but it's not up to par for a 3 man vehicle. The marauder is absolute crap. Two mines can kill 3 underpowered men who are GOING to have trouble aiming. So a lot of TR take the most promising route: running around with a striker. The ease of turning to a striker is in fact a weakness. Strikers do not get vehicles killed, other vehicles or well placed deci shots do. Strikers are good against maxes outdoors, but frankly, outdoors should be all vehicles and snipers except in the caves. Caves are the only time our deficient advantages get to be used.
Sorry for the long windedness, I just had to type it somewhere.

And I didnt even mention BFRs... but seriously, a 3 man prowler should be able to kill a single man hopping EVEN AV BFR.
--- Outbound, Earthbound, Unbound, & Honorbound ---
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Postby Valkyrie » Sat May 07, 2005 9:34 am

Much anger in this one
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Postby Gunther » Sat May 07, 2005 10:26 am

I can remember a day when the Terran Republic ruled Auraxis. Before there were all these silly little offshoot planets, all the continents were on one world. the TR dominated. The Devs "balance" out the weps by nerfing this and buffing that. It seems every three months, the sway goes in one direction or the other. Apparently the NC are on top right now, with the VS behind them and the TR are on the bottom. Keep complaining to the devs, and they will turn it around. In a little while the TR or the VS will be on top. It appears that they intentionally do this to keep everyone interested. I wonder if there is a method to which empire gets the good stuff this quarter? do they systematically rotate them? or whichever empire complains the most?
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Postby Outbound » Sat May 07, 2005 12:30 pm

I honestly haven't seen much TR buff in the year I've been playing. They helped out the DC and Pounder multiple times and finally got them OK, but the fundamental idea of a anti infantry DC with a lockdown is flawed. I do better with a DC (except at BDs) without ever locking down... essentially a Quasar without jumpjets. And Pounder is still easily the worst AV max because you kill yourself against any competent enemy max. And since the rexo buff loooong ago our HA hasn't been up to snuff (against rexo anyways.) You probably didnt see the thread at the beginning of the year, Gunther, just check out how much calling for a MCG buff there was:
And all they wanted was MCG to be up to about where the lasher is against Rexo armors. By making it do ONE more health damage.

Ok, deep breaths... sorry for the (continued) rant.
I just dont see how they can so blatantly keep one empire so nerfed.
--- Outbound, Earthbound, Unbound, & Honorbound ---
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Postby betasoldier » Sat May 07, 2005 2:27 pm

Well, if we have both guns manned on the prowler we do more damage than any tank in the game, which is still not 1.5.It's closer to 1.2 or 1.3 I think.I don't know the numbers, but that's my guess from experience.Also, mass strikers DO kill vehicles.4 or 5 guys with strikers can take out any tank in the game with relative ease.However, you have so many other targets that that just isn't going to happen, so I have to agree with you there.The cycler is a good weapon, but frankly, if I have my range implant, than I'm going to use the punisher outside over the cycler at all times.If you have the range implant with the punisher, its damn near as good as having a sniper rifle.Just tap the trigger 4 or 5 times at the range where they've got to really look for you and bam, they're dead.

Which reminds, I have to pick that back up.
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Postby HeavyArmsCustum » Sat May 07, 2005 4:55 pm

Prowler is the best all around tank if used right but doesn't have the range all the time unless you have a good gunner.
Burster is the best AA MAX if used right(Minus the whole god damn Lib arguement).
Our BFRs, although i hate BFRs, are at a disadvantage. The guns on the gun varients have no arc and are very strong.
Those "100mm"(More like 60s if you ask me) on ours are in my expert opinion the worst weapon to at it's job In The Game. Since they have none, you'd think 100s would be AV but take damn near a full clip(Asuming you can even use the screwed up arc on the damn things) to kill lightning. And it takes anyway from 3-6 shots to get Inf(Splash being and damage being shit)
The DC is only a feared force at the end of a hallway locking down...being target practice.(I know i have proven this wrong mania times but compare that to puting me in either of the other empires AI MAX and you have something that shouldn't even be legal in PS).
The Striker which is damn near standard equipment for a TR grunt, may be the best AV gun, or at least most used, but To This Day has lock on bugs.
Marauder....I don't even have to say it. This thing is shit.
MCG...it a beast, that is for damn sure and can be used outside well unlike other HA, but that only really makes up for the fact we have the worst MA rifle compared to the others. Oh, and we have to think when we use our HA.
Pounder....In my expert opinion the worst weapon in the game period. Doesn't mean it can't be used but it's is fucknig crap if you have a guy with 1 hp in front of you and full armor, that he can kill you faster with a lasher then you can him(Or end up killing yourself)

TR is PS on Hard.


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