There was some Action Script on the Art forums on NewGrounds, which is where I got the code from. I tooled around with it a bit to get it how I liked it. I didn't do anything special really, optimization / save-wize, though.
Plus, it's only a 400x60. :p
Random Snowflake Class
class SnowFlake extends MovieClip {
var crystal_length:Number = 7;
var crystal:MovieClip;
function SnowFlake() {
crystal = this.createEmptyMovieClip("crystal", 1);
var angle_change:Number = 360 / Math.round(2 * (Math.random() * 2 + 2));
var angle:Number = angle_change;
while (angle < 360) {
var crystal_copy:MovieClip = crystal.duplicateMovieClip("crystal" + angle, Math.round(angle));
crystal_copy._rotation = angle;
angle += angle_change;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360
function makeCrystal():Void {
var crystal_position:Number = 0;
while (crystal_position < 1) {
crystal_position += Math.random() / 3;
crystal.lineStyle(0.6, 0xffffff);
crystal.lineTo(0, -crystal_position * crystal_length);
crystal.lineStyle(0.3, 0xffffff);
var mini_crystal_length:Number = Math.random() * 3;
crystal.lineTo(mini_crystal_length, -crystal_position * crystal_length - 1);
crystal.moveTo(0, -crystal_position * crystal_length);
crystal.lineTo(-mini_crystal_length, -crystal_position * crystal_length - 1);
crystal.moveTo(0, -crystal_position * crystal_length);
Saved it in .as format and set the movie clip's class to what I saved it to. If that minimizes files at all.