If you guys want to watch it and give it a shot. It's only about 18 minutes long or so. Gotten good reviews so far from, but that's only out of 3 people that have posted so far lol.
If you watch it hope you enjoy it. Here's the stuff explaining it/going along with it from the ret pally forums:
Well, its rough, its sketchy, terrible editting, and frankly, not the best resolution in the world, but its here.
Programs used:
World of Warcraft
Windows Movie Maker (/cry I'm poor)
I did all the editting in an hour last night (after I figured out roughly, how to work the damn program) so its not the best in the world and I didn't try to do anything special, zooming in or nothing. Sorry I didn't explain what was happening in each match, but if you have questions ask. My apologies for the poor resolution, WMM doesn't do well with it and on top of that the resolution I had to record at was rather low compared to most of the movies coming out today (no external harddrive hooked up to it, limited space to record videos).
I might make more as the 1 implies, I might not, just depends I guess lol. If you guys feel its WCM worthy I'll put it up there, but until then I won't bother.
If you don't like the music let me show you how much I care:
Did you see that? No? EX-FUCKING-ACTLY! You didn't see anything. FUCK OFF.
Hoff, may I request that you keep this here a few days so some of the people may see it who don't check the video forum and then move it. It would be much appreciated.
Questions, comments, concerns, criticisms, etc. I'll answer to the best of my ability, and will read them all.
Just wanted to add that in the process of making this movie, we tanked our team over 200 rating. Below 2k again For the moment. Frankly we needed the practice, still not back in the groove of things so there aren't any of our amazing come from behind wins. Except for one I think thats in the video. We had a few of them, just that I forgot to record them . And yes, there is no stream at the moment, not sure if I'll put one up.
I haven't DL'd the video myself to check the quality after upload/download, so I hope its stayed the same, my apologies if it isn't.