Nationstates 2

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Nationstates 2

Postby Tackalt » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:29 pm

It's finally come to open beta. Figure it's something casual for those who play or do not play Cybernations anymore. Need to pick what world everyone will be on if you guys decide to!

While its still in beta form, many of the original Nation States players have received invites to actually play the game already. So first things first. Many of you probably want to know how is this game different to Nation States 1.

The main difference is that your nation is no longer a perfect, untouchable entity. You still guide its domestic development through daily Issues, but there is a new sphere of interactive gameplay with other nations. Domestically, you guide your nation’s evolution by addressing two daily Issues. These generally involve some manufactured crisis or other that demands you pick a side. As was the case with NS1, as you address Issues, your nation changes to reflect your ideology, so that over time it may become a beacon of freedom and democracy, an authoritarian police state, a community-minded nation of liberal-leaning scholars, or something else entirely.

On the international stage, your nation’s place is defined by its diplomacy, which means, essentially, how you conduct yourself with other nations. You may choose to shun, contact, seek it out, refuse invitations to join Alliances, recruit for your own alliance , establishing Trade pacts, or simply riding on market prices. Whatever you choose, though, you will probably find yourself drawn inevitably to like-minded nations.

NS1 Regions are replaced by both Continents and Alliances, meaning there is no longer any need to physically move your nation to enter a social group, nor a restriction on being in just one at any time. Thus, in NS2 your nation is fixed in a particular Continent, but can join, create, and leave Alliances as you wish, and “endorse” others nations for positions within each Alliance.

The big feature that I and probably half the NS1 users were excited about was the addition of war in NS2. From what I’ve learned so far is that NS2 is not a war game, but rather it is a nation simulation game that has the possibility of war in it. Your nation does not need to go to war, and probably will not ever be involved in war unless you want it to. But of course there’s a big price to pay for going to war. As of right now they haven’t added the war feature to the game yet, but from what i understand this is the way its going to work- There will be two signals, one Red and one Black. If you activate them, they will place your nation on a war footing against the specified nation. Your nation will then prepare to launch a military invasion.This will take time, and consume a great deal of your nation’s GDP (in-game money). Your target may repel you, perhaps with assistance of another nation, which is where the White Diplomatic Status comes in. By setting another nation to White, you agree to automatically provide military assistance to defend it from invasion. Should the target capitulate, though, you occupy them: you cannot eliminate your enemies, but you can topple their governments and make them a little more like you.

Sounds fun so far, right? Well not so much. From the time I have received the invite I have been playing, err - trying to play but have found it very difficult to keep my attention. Number one reason is that the NS2 page loads slower then a teen browsing for porn on a 56K modem. That’s when the page even loads. There’s been many times when the page just wouldn’t load at all. Number two reason is the addition of Ambassador status. What is Ambassador Status you ask? A highly esteemed and greatly valued member of the NationStates 2 community. You can support the game and upgrade your nation by purchasing an Ambassador upgrade. your nation then receives a special symbol after its name, so that all may know you are a valid supporter of the NS2 game. These benefits include:

* Upload custom flags
* Press Releases
* Edit Nation Summary
* Commendations
* Espionage Resources
* Trophy
* Advertising removed
* Ambassador-only worlds
* Private worlds (soon)

I was actually a little shocked and annoyed when i found out about Ambassador Status. ESPECIALLY about only being able to load custom flags with Ambassador status. Are you kidding me? Adding your custom flag in NS1 was so much fun, and FREE OF CHARGE as well. Now we have to pay to add a custom flag? Doesn’t make much sense. As for the paying part in general, I can understand the need for donations to keep the game running, i just don’t believe there’s going to be a lot of people willing to pay for a text based browser game.

The main page of your nation could also be a lot more user friendly. I really liked the look and feel of the main page of NS1 because it was nice and simple. I think they really over did it with NS2, and the look and feel just aren’t working for me.

All in all if you are getting your hopes up and refreshing your inbox waiting for that invitation to come, stop. While i know the game is still in beta form, there really isnt anything to get excited over at this point. And to be quite honest, adding little things here and there isnt going to make this game exciting in the future either. Big let down for me.

—————————— UPDATE——-

I just want to add in here that they have in fact fixed the slow loading of the pages. Even so, i only find myself logging in, accepting or dismissing two issues, and logging off for the day.
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Postby betasoldier » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:34 am

Apparently I'm on the continent Dictatoria of World 85. My nation is the Federated States. The Confederacy of Federated States, haha! Take that for being hypocritical!
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Postby Tackalt » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:41 pm

A friend and I moved to world 85 today, as well.
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Postby betasoldier » Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:01 am

We should form an alliance and get trade going, whats your nations name?
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Postby Tackalt » Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:15 pm

I'm currently in the alliance, Free People of the Earth. ... pleofearth

If we get more Enforcers, we could start one up, but the limit on the world is 499, so they'd have to join soon, I imagine.
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