Beginning 2 March 2012, I will begin with a new Alliance in CN:TE. For those of you are unfamiliar with the Tournament Edition. It is the same as the Standard Edition of CN which we played together almost five years ago. The differences are, you cannot provide/receive Aid, there is no peace mode and each round lasts 3 months.
In CN:SE, I am currently a member of the Rosular Kingdom. This Alliance is midievel themed containing three separate alliances within its structure. The Order of the Black Rose is the government RK and only Knights of the Realm are permitted to join OBR. Blackwater is the military arm of realm. Only those individuals who want to fight in wars and defend the realm are permitted to join Blackwater. You must display some aptitude for the CN Combat system to join Blackwater. The Realm of the Rose is a neutral subordinate alliance which houses those members who have no desire to participate in politics nor a desire to fight in wars. If you are a casual gamer and want to play Sim-Nation, RotR is the place to be.
I am a member of Blackwater in the Rosular Kingdom. As such I was appointed leader of the Alliance's CN:TE Alliance. It is to be named "The Black Watch" (TBW). The subforums for TBW or located in the main forums. We're still working out permissions and masking. This is a military themed Alliance based on the British Regiment of the same name; AKA The Highlander Regiment or the 42nd Regiment of Foot.
I would like to invite either of you to come register on the Rosular Kingdom's forum and then with The Black Watch once the subforum is complete. I have asked St. Anger to come join us and he appears to be interested. You don't have to be currently playing CN:SE to enjoy this. It is mostly fighting wars, rather than the dull boring politics of CN:SE.