I had intended to pre-order but I'm really not a fan of their new battle-net or whatever they are calling it now. I may still pick it up at some point but for now I pre-ordered guildwars 2 and will grab Torchlight 2 when it releases. Still playing Rift though and the F2P DCU online, Champions and Global Agenda.
I also pre-ordered GW2 as it looks like it has potential. Will add some feedback after the beta events as I believe the NDA is lifted for the pre-order beta events.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Yes, the NDA has been lifted. I did the first even but missed the stress test weekend. The next one is the 8th I believe. Since you pre-ordered we should try and hook up. I ran 2 characters to lvl 13 and 15 for the first one and spent a lot of time with the crafting system.