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Postby redwarrior666 » Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:55 am

Just stopping by to say hi. I have been completely immersed in study on Cisco and Exchange. I have survived two seasons of layoffs in technology working as a public servant of the school system. I'm very thankfull but my work aholic nature may be the reason for my survival. I 've tried toplay PS a few times but there isn't much action when I log in and I always have work on my mind. I'm sick with the learning bug once again. Anyone ever go through cycles like career burnout then a second wind and a third and so on ? I love computers my office is surrounded by machines at home and at work. Anyhow just wanted to say hi and maybe I will l get into a game again at some point. On a side note I lost 2 out of six workers underneath me in my department last year and I may loose two more this year. I hate this recession and this President we have is WORTHLESS..... Create some Industry FFS's America needs to produce goods for export once again. We moved out of the Industrial Society to the Information age but balance it with some Industry! Sorry for the President comment for those of you who like him. Every time he apologizes for America I get sick to my stomach. I just want the America I grew up in back from the dead Please .... I'm 40 this year and tired. I have burned the candle at both ends for many years. Most successful Americans have had to work harder and harder to stay afloat or survive during bad times. I'm sick of slick politicians and thier bullshit!! I don't know about everyone else but I tend to look ahead in every aspect of life and the tea leaves are looking creepy scary to me. Anyhow sorry for the rant . I miss playing games but my head is so wrapped around so many fucking things these days. I hope all is well with everyone. :)

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Postby Gunther » Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:18 am

Fix the economy first, then the healthcare system.

I must agree with you RedWarrior. Although a Universal Health Care Plan is ideally a wonderful thing to have it is the wrong time to present it. I don't care what magic wand he thinks he has, he needs to get the money from someplace to pay for it. If you think you're going to borrow the money from some other country like China, that won't work. We need to pay off the debt we owe them instead of getting into more debt. That is just crazy. If he thinks he's going to cut spending elsewhere, like Defense Spending which is the largest then that is crazy too. Cutting the defense budget means, yes we will need a universal Health care plan because then most of our cities will be in Chaos and all but destroyed from bombings and attacks. Other nations will have to come into our country to help restore order to our war torn streets. Yes, it is that bad.

Recently, Massachusetts had the opportunity to replace Ted Kennedy as US Senator. It is no lie when I say, Ted Kennedy was very popular in Massachusetts, but the woman selected to replace him, must have been born in a cave. She is the most clueless ditzy bat you have ever seen. it is a god send that she did not succeed. Part of her loss was her poorly run campaign. the other was the President's Health Care plan. If there was no recession, the Democrats would have won. If there was no health care plan, the Democrats would have won.

Scott Brown is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard. He is a high energy, positive minded thinker who acts. He gets things done. He is the sort of person I would love to see in the White House some day. He is fiscally conservative and thinks independently for the working stiff. He ran a powerful campaign that involved use of the internet and he acquired strong allies early on.

Massachusetts has a shit load of senior citizens. They are the ones who kept Ted Kennedy in the Senate. He always took care of them. He didn't fuck with Medicare or Social Security. The New Health Care plan has 90% of the senior citizens in Massachusetts worried that they are going to lose their health coverage with the President's new plan. Many of them sided with Scott Brown because they are terrified of the new Health care plan. I'm terrified because I don't buy into their plan for paying for it. Its just going to sink us deeper into debt.

What I say for the states that need the Federal Health care plan, they should do what Massachusetts did. Governor Deval Patrick (D) passed legislation that mandated everyone in the state have health insurance. Scott Brown (R) supported the Governor's legislation. For those people who could not afford it, it is subsidized by the State. This plan keeps the insurance companies employed and does not degrade the professional competency of the health care workers. He maintains the high standard of health care that we have grown accustomed to. The Federal Plan will lower that standard. I know in the realm of Breast Cancer awareness and healthcare for the elderly this is a fact.

The timing for this health care plan is wrong because of our economic situation. Get the country back on track economically before implementing a huge financial drain on the nation. It is ridiculous.
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Postby redwarrior666 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:59 am

That is just crazy. If he thinks he's going to cut spending elsewhere, like Defense Spending which is the largest then that is crazy too. Cutting the defense budget means, yes we will need a universal Health care plan because then most of our cities will be in Chaos and all but destroyed from bombings and attacks. Other nations will have to come into our country to help restore order to our war torn streets. Yes, it is that bad.

I must agree I say double defense spending!!! Things like cutting the Raptor I don't like . We do have the F35 which is damn good but it is not a Raptor. My grandfather worked in Skunk Works at Lockheed for the last 20 years of his career. He was involved in stealth technolgy and Radar. Every time I see a stealth type jet I think of him and his hard patriotic work for our country. The military is usually at least 20 years ahead in technology of what you see in the publics eye. Cutting defense spending is like allowing China and Russia to catch up and if that happens were fucked!!! Those two coutries would enjoy seeing the US crumble. Imagine a Nuke going off 130000 feet above Kansas in the upper atmosphere and we are sent back to the stone age as the massive EMP knocks out every electrical grid from Coast to Coast. Sure we would nuke whomever back but recovery would take years if not decades. We let Iran get nukes and they will try it along with trying to wipe out Israel. It's time for America to get her house in order. And yet China and Russia are just letting Iran do whatever they want. Seriously you would have to wonder why? Threat to America? Use them as a proxy to weaken us?

I like Scott Brown and would love to see him in the White house also. I think and hope that the Health care issue will die at some point as the American people are starting to wake up and understand that we as a nation are almost bankrupt.

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Postby Gunther » Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:53 pm

All these great ideas the Democrats have to spend money we (Americans) don't have is going kill this country. We just have to survive the next 3 years and hopefully we can return to fiscally conservative ways. It is unfortunate that GW Bush had to deal with 9/11. The reason we lost so much at that time was because he had to focus on Iraq, Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The other option was to fight Al-Qaeda and Taliban in LA, Washington, New York and Texas. Personally, I'd rather fight them in the mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It was the necessity to spend on those fronts militarily that killed him; that and his inability to speak a coherent sentence. :)

The thing about the Raptor is that the next Generation of fighter will not have a human being in the cockpit. The Gen V fighter would involve the F22 Raptor weapon system combined with an Unmanned aerial Vehicle control system. The pilot will sit in a trailer/Connex at Edwards AFB and control a fighter aircraft that can turn with more Negative G's than a human being could physically withstand. No human manned aircraft will ever be able to touch a UAV controlled F22 Raptor. The F22 was built to be capable of performing so much more than a Human Pilot could take.
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Postby rhonnin » Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:00 pm

Now that we own Cadburry everything will be ok.
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Postby Gunther » Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:01 pm

Rhonnin wrote:Now that we own Cadbury everything will be OK.

My wife's solution to every world problem is Chocolate. She would have to agree with you. She doesn't know much about the conversation Red and I were having previously. She wanted to know how that had anything to do with Chocolate. So she handed me a refrigerator magnet that reads,
Chocolate is the Answer. Who Cares What the Question Is.
GuntertE, Lv 1, NC on Waterson
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Postby redwarrior666 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:48 pm

The thing about the Raptor is that the next Generation of fighter will not have a human being in the cockpit. The Gen V fighter would involve the F22 Raptor weapon system combined with an Unmanned aerial Vehicle control system. The pilot will sit in a trailer/Connex at Edwards AFB and control a fighter aircraft that can turn with more Negative G's than a human being could physically withstand. No human manned aircraft will ever be able to touch a UAV controlled F22 Raptor. The F22 was built to be capable of performing so much more than a Human Pilot could take.

I have a close family member that is directly connected to the servicing of F18's . I'm told that the Superhornets don't need a pilot. They could take off fly a mission and come back if needed with no pilot. But not off a aircraft carrier. I was stunned to hear that. This person swears up and down that this is true. Surely other newer aircraft would have this capability? I tend to believe this person as I have know him for 10 years and he is no liar and has worked with military aircraft for 15 years. I was also told that sometimes pilots will have a missle fire off the superhornet by someone else like the pentagon or ground commander. The pilot is told very shortly before hand what missle is going to fire, the ground commander takes over the firing controls and fires a missle. Cool stuff. We have the best miltary in equipment, technology and people. I sure hope it stays that way. Gunther you are so right 3 more years and then maybe a conservative can turn this mess around.

And Yes your wife is right chocolate is the awnser!! lol
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